You can choose happiness, too
/Visiting Galleries in New York made me very happy!
In the midst of an especially busy summer that started with a lot of tiring work-related travel, and with some big deadlines approaching as well as some other stress playing out, I left town to spend a special long weekend with my husband.
We went to New York to celebrate our anniversary, and we had a marvelous time away.
At any other time, a trip like this would be a breeze — full of joyous anticipation and leisurely planning. Given the array of current circumstances, this trip was more of a challenge for me.
Happily, my sweetheart did much of the planning. He surprised me with wonderful places to go, and planned for each day to unfold at a lovely pace. He even got the weather to cooperate! It could not have been more special.
And the truth is, before we left I was not feeling so excited.
As much as I wanted to go away and enjoy this time with him, I had a lot on my mind. I had not been sleeping very well, and was concerned about feeling distracted and preoccupied.
And then I made a choice.
I chose happiness
I remembered that I get to choose the way I respond — to everything in my life.
I decided that I wanted to be happy. And I chose to be.
It would have been easier to allow distracted thoughts to predominate. It would have been easy to fit in bits of work here and there. It would have been easy to check and respond to emails all day, as I am in the habit of doing.
Instead, I chose to be present.
I chose play and fun.
I chose delight and adventure.
I chose love.
I decided that all of the rest could and would wait.
Now, having returned, and having returned my focus to all the matters that preceded our get-away, I’ve made another choice.
I continue to choose happiness
I had help making this choice.
I was reminded of what I can control in my life, and what is out of my control. (Many thanks to a dear teacher and friend for sharing the wisdom with me.)
And I realized that happiness is something I can choose with ease when I bear in mind the wisdom of those two categories.
I realized, too, that I have the choice to feel stressed, or to trust myself to meet my deadlines.
I have the choice to ruminate over things that are contentious or address them calmly as I make a case for what I believe is fair and just.
I will control what is mine to control and not let the rest rob me of happiness.
I welcome you to download the graphic below, that I made to help me remain clear about what I can and cannot control.
What choices are you making now?
If you are thinking about how to make the next part of your life truly fulfilling — to overcome stress, confusion, doubt, or anything else that is challenging you now — you may want to consider having a guide and mentor to support you.
I invite you to schedule a call and we can talk about what’s in the way for you now, and what’s possible. (There's no cost or obligation for us to talk.)
Here’s how to schedule a call: