A 5-Day Journey to Authentic Living

If you have had the exciting experience of seeing something unfold in real time that you have believed, spoken or written about, and maybe have taught, then you will relate to my experience last week.

You may be familiar with my story, and how I had been a graphic designer who was completely blocked when it came to creating for myself. Creating (as I used to believe) meant things like painting or making art with pastels. I was terrified to even try. I stayed focused on solving clients’ problems and telling their stories.

The trajectory of my journey changed when I started working with a great coach. I woke up to the fact that I was ready for a significant change and sold my design firm. And I courageously started exploring creative expression.

I then met a great teacher who was an expert on the vast power of creativity, and studied with him for two years. I came to understand the mysteries of creativity and appreciate the breadth of what it is. I also vastly expanded the ways that I created.

My life was transformed. 

Lives change when creative power is ignited

I developed my Creative Core Coaching practice to help other accomplished women who yearned to live a more fulfilling, rich authentic life.

  • They are typically so busy that they are disconnected from their hearts.

  • They are often frazzled, some to the point of burnout.

  • Many are living a smaller version of who they know they can be.

  • Many struggle to find clarity about what is next — or could be next.

  • Many want to rebuild confidence. 

They are sacrificing themselves in ways that I had lived for far too long.

When they are supported to tap their creative power and ignite it, they thrive!

And, change can be accellerated

In 2020, I created the first of what are three retreat experiences I offer each year.

At each, small groups of women come together to take a deep dive into self-discovery, have creative experiences that open their hearts, and set a course for meaningful change. 

When you step away from your routine and are willing to immerse yourself in new experiences that bring incredible insights to life, you find true inspiration for new ways of living. 

Creation Vacation 2025 was magical 

Last week, the Creation Vacation retreat kicked off a big new year for a fantastic group of women.

We spent 5 days in a glorious house on the southern coast of Maine. We did powerful work together. And we had tremendous fun!

The mix of deep thoughtful exploration and lots of fun with expressive creative play that built energy and opened hearts, made for a huge experience for everyone.

We ate beautifully. We shared deeply. A remarkable practitioner helped us all expand energetically and somatically anchor in supportive energy. The setting of extraordinary natural beauty was the perfect environment for all of it to unfold.

I am savoring the joy of leading the retreat and witnessing so much exciting evolution.

Take a look at the photos below, and consider if your creative spirit feels the desire to expand!

If you feel the urge to be supported to ignite the creative power that is within you now, and set a course for a bigger, more fulfilling life, let’s connect and talk.

Schedule a call today.

Ready to raise the bar this year?

Most people are thinking about the year they want to create, as the holidays are now behind us and we all get back to our usual routines.

What about you? Are you ready for — or craving — significant change of some kind?

If you want to create something new, you need to take a new approach.

After all, if you operate as you have in the past, sticking with old patterns of thinking and your usual ways of approaching life, you will continue to live as you have been and you’ll struggle to make the changes you yearn for.

It’s time to uplevel!

Now is the time to slow down and create space to gain new levels of clarity about what your heart desires and what really matters most. 

Are you ready to create a big clear vision for yourself in 2025?

Having s bold vision in mind, you will have the opportunity to clearly focus and set new, higher standards:

  • for how you will show up in the world

  • for the way you will spend your time

  • for the important relationships you will nurture

as you move forward.

Now is the time to raise the bar and commit to becoming the woman you want to be, and doing what is called for to reach your destination.

How to get clear, stay committed, stay on track

1. Choose a word to guide your year

A great tool to help you bring a sound focus to your intentions for 2025 is choosing a Word of the Year. My process will guide you to find clarity, so you can anchor to that clarity throughout the year.

Check out this blog post from a few years back for the process that will guide you to choosing your word for 2025. I use the process each year as the calendar turns, and having my word has always had a significant impact for me.

It is easier to stay committed when I look at my word, that I keep posted on my pinboard. I often look at it multiple times a day. Whenever I feel unclear or know I am veering off-track, I return to my word and can find a way to move forward.

2. Choose to be supported

The other way I stay on track is having support — something powerful that you can seek out, too.

I have a great coach and am part of a wonderful community of people who are doing brave work alongside me. Being supported, by my coach and colleagues, to commit to becoming my best self and pursuing my dreams is something I do year after year.

I would not be the woman I am today had I not made this ongoing investment in myself. 

This can be the year that you get support to rise higher.

3. Take action today

Good intentions are not enough! When you take action you are in motion. Momentum can build and milestones can be met.

Your action can take many forms. It can start with a conversation, a declaration, making a new commitment to yourself.

The key is to start.

If an action you choose is to explore how we might work together, so that you are supported to create a year of significant satisfaction and movement toward your goals, schedule a call with me today

It will be a pleasure to hear about your dreams and talk about helping you make them your reality.

Your best year yet: 3 powerful steps to launch 2025!

As we step into a huge new year, you have incredible opportunities! Here are 3 great ways to launch a great 2025.

1. Mind your mindset 

Cultivating your mindset is the best way to move forward for your best year. See how these approaches work for you.

• Create a morning practice

Your morning practice can be 5 minutes or longer. You might consider meditation, journaling, movement (stretches, yoga, dance), pulling an oracle card, saying affirmations, or any combination that appeals to you. Consistently startling your day with a few minutes of focus like this sets you up for a better day every day.

• Cultivate self-love 

The power of strong self-love cannot be overstated. Check out this blog post to understand self-love and get some great tips for ways to practice self-love.

With a strong foundation of self-love you will have powerful belief in yourself!

• Try a new way to move through tough times

No matter how much we set ourselves up for our best day every day, we all have times when things go sideways or challenges arise. In those moments, it’s important to feel the frustration, anger, sadness or disappointment.

First, choose an expressive way to process the difficult emotions. How? Write out your feelings; make an angry or ugly drawing; find a private place to shout out your emotions or slam a pillow into a wall; go outside and stomp in nature. When you feel you have worked the emotions out of your system, move on to the next step.

Once you feel calmer, consider a new perspective. If you look at the circumstances through a new lens, can you see a new way forward, a new possibility, maybe even a new opportunity?

2. Sharpen your focus

This can be the year you get crystal clear about what you want to make your reality next year.

Ask yourself:

• What big ideas and desires do I want to make real?

• What do I want to start doing?

• What limits me that I am ready to ditch?

When you are clear, you can get a good start and will be better able to stay on track.

3. Decide on your best path forward

Many of us start the new year with great intentions and soon find ourselves living the same way we have before, not making headway to realize the changes we yearn for. 

Now, take a moment and imagine that it’s December 2025. You are looking back with satisfaction and fulfillment realizing that you found true clarity and focus and created a great year! You built new levels of confidence, lived at a sustainable pace, showed up boldly and made your vision a reality.

That outcome is possible for you when you have support and accountability. 

I am living proof of the power of making myself a priority and working with great coaches. And for the last 12 years year I have been honored to support my clients to create remarkable, abundant lives of purpose, that bring them great happiness and satisfaction.

If this is the year that you are determined to create your best life, with deep support to unleash your creative power, let’s talk soon.

What emerges when you honor time and space

I just returned from a weekend in my home town of Philadelphia. My family and I held a ceremony at my father’s grave to dedicate the stone marker that was just laid, one year after we lost him.

This event, that marks a year in our lives, has sparked deep reflection.

What I learned this year that may help you

Processing emotions — of any kind — requires time and space

After my father died, the administrative tasks that needed attention (especially in the weeks and months right after we lost him) crowded out space to feel all of the emotions that needed to be felt.

And as much as I have done to create space to move emotion through this year, including writing and painting to go deep into my heart, I am often still surprised at what shows up out of the blue.

When a lovely memory or a stab of sadness appears suddenly, I now get quiet to be with the feelings. Sometimes a conversation with someone close helps. Sometimes creating helps. Sometimes a walk outside is just the thing.

No matter how busy a day is, I make time and space when I need it.

I have learned to honor myself with time to grieve what needs to be grieved, savor memories, feel sadness and joy, and cherish love — whether it has to do with the loss of my dad or anything else that has come up in the moment.

Pushing myself is a recipe for stress

A big lesson I have fully taken to heart this year is that I suffer when I push myself. Push energy is crushing to my soul.

I now start each morning setting clear intentions for how I want to feel, no matter what is going on in the world or what is on my to-do list.

As someone who has spent most of my life cramming as much as possible into each day, I have upped my practice of slowing down and doing everything with thought and care.

(Note that I use the word “practice”! This intention entails daily awareness and commitment.)

Nature heals

As I’ve been pushing less, I have made a significant discovery. Every day that I walk in a beautiful place I feel notably better. 

This insight was most remarkable while I was in France, leading the L’Aventure Française retreat last month.

While in Paris, walking for several miles each day as we explored the city, I loved how it felt to be in motion and how much wonder there was to enjoy when moving on foot.

And in the countryside, amidst incredible natural beauty, my heart opened wider each time I was outside, breathing clean air and seeing the wonders of nature in new light at each turn.

I have found a spot to walk near my home that is off the main streets and has many majestic trees. I have taken a 5 minute ride to a park that has beautiful paths. I have made dates with friends to walk in new places. Each time, I feel amazing.

My intention is to walk outside for at least 20 minutes each day. As I do not have a dog to take for walks, I have not yet taken a walk every day. I am gradually making more space in my schedule for that to happen.

Creating space allows wonder to emerge

The thing I have most appreciated this year is that when I created time and space to feel and process more, big awareness unfolded in ways I never expected.

Being someone who has typically made plans and then worked diligently to implement the plans, I discovered that slowing down and being open enabled me to discover new desires, and then refine and adjust my plans in incredibly rewarding ways.

By not pushing myself, I connected to my heart. Creative thinking had space to emerge freely and I am more excited than ever for what I am developing now, to introduce to the world in the new year.

What is waiting to emerge for you?

If you are ready to connect to your heart and creative power, to open to remarkable magic and wonder that are possible for you, I invite you to explore my upcoming Creation Vacation retreat.

This time away (January 20 to 25, 2025) will be in an exquisite property in southern Maine. You will be surrounded by the majesty of vast sea and sky, eat wonderful food, create and play, have coaching support, experience energy work for a deep somatic connection to everything that emerges for you, and much more.

This is an intimate retreat and there are only 2 spots left. Reach out soon to explore this life-changing opportunity.

Discover the life-changing magic of retreat

It’s been a full week since I returned from France. As much as I love being home, I miss the magic of being away.

It was particularly special to be in France for the 2 weeks following the outcome of the election, as my primary focus was leading the women with me for the L’Aventure Française retreat.

I had been planning the retreat for months and they had all been preparing for a life-changing experience. In spite of the events unfolding at home, they were excited and grateful to be immersed in each day’s experiences.

Three gifts I brought home from France

While I was happy to visit my favorite tea shop and a spectacular chocolate shop in Paris where I selected gifts for close family, and I discovered small treasures to bring home in unexpected places along the way, the true gifts I returned with are tucked into my heart.

These gifts, that we all returned with, are what I am holding dear now.

1. Appreciation for time apart and away from the usual routine

The day-to-day lives accomplished women live are full, sometimes to over-filled. And my life, more often than not, is like that.

Women with a deep desire to have an impact are typically in a swirl of focus on their work, on sustaining or repairing or building relationships (personally and professionally), and on finding space for a little quiet and self-care.

Connecting to themselves to gain clarity and perspective about their current lives and desires for the future is hard to do when life is crowded.

It takes time and space to reflect, think, and dream.

When you “retreat” from your regular routine and give yourself the gift of abundant time, inspired experiences, and the company of great women with whom you can be fully present and allow your heart to open, amazing — often life-changing— realizations surface.

They did for me and for each of the women with me in France.

2. Perspective and grounding

As our days unfolded in Paris and then in the countryside of the Dordogne, I was able to appreciate my life in a deeper way than I ever had before. I felt my heart expand as we explored, played and shared deeply.

I became clearer than ever that I want to simplify my routines and get laser-focused on how I spend my time.

I set an intention to be outside more, as I felt the healing power of beauty in the natural environment fill me with peace and joy.

All of this will support me to bring full presence to my days, so I can make the most of each moment.

I realized, while away, that both joy and heartbreak can exist together, and I can hold all of it and move forward each day.

3. Gratitude and love are vital

This gift was not something new, rather my appreciation for gratitude and love was amplified. 

Love and gratitude filled my heart in remarkable ways each day of the retreat in France. They fortified my spirit as never before, and I am now bringing even greater focus to each day. 

Whatever challenges arise, I will be able to bring more positive energy and creative thinking and action to them, with a solid focus on love and a foundation of gratitude in my heart.

My invitation to you

If you want to consider the precious gift of time apart from the world, to retreat and profoundly connect to yourself, let’s talk about how one of the three retreats I lead each year might be an ideal opportunity for you. 

With time to make meaningful discoveries, gain new perspectives, connect to your heart and truth, and bring the power of creativity into your life as never before, you will return a new woman.

Each retreat is unique — in duration and focus. And one retreat is right around the corner — a wonderful way you can start the new year!

• Creation Vacation is an intimate winter experience, January 20 to 25, where  we live in a glorious house on the coast of southern Maine. The focus of Creation Vacation is on the energy of creation — what it is, how you can build and sustain that energy, and where you want to direct your creative power for 2025. 

As you may have read in recent emails I have sent about Creation Vacation, registration is open, and there is special pricing until November 30! 

Click to check out the details, and we can make a date to talk about the fit for you. (There’s a link to my calendar in the document, or hit reply here.)


• Live Big Live! is my signature 3-day retreat that dozens of women have experienced (many multiple times). This retreat is now offered only once each year, in early June in Boston (the dates will be confirmed shortly). Check out the description — and watch the short videos to hear first-hand about the big impact of this wonderful retreat.


L’Aventure Française 2025 will be another fabulous 12-day fall retreat in France. Dates will be announced soon, and it is not too early to plan for this remarkable time to bring joy into your life and connect to yourself in ways that will delight you! I would love to share magical time and French experiences with you.

Ready to ignite your soul?

I am passionate about travel, and the impact that visiting new places has always had for me. In addition to visiting major sites, I love looking for special out of the way spots, hidden gems. 

And when I had the opportunity to live in Paris for a month last year, where I made many incredible discoveries, I started dreaming of bringing a group of women to France for a retreat.

I wanted them to be able to step away from their busy lives, experience the magic of Paris, and then spend time in the glorious countryside — where they could reflect, create, and integrate the inspiration of culture, spirit, art, history and food from the time in Paris.

I also dreamed of each of them returning home with incredible energy, fresh perspectives, and elevated excitement about their lives and work.

Do you yearn for a travel adventure that will ignite your heart and light up your life?

Imagine a spectacular trip to France with a small group of amazing women. After 5 days exploring Paris, you will travel to Southwest France to spend 6 more days in a superb retreat center in the countryside. You will be nurtured, play, create with ease, and connect to your creative core as never before.

This retreat — L’Aventure Française — is a remarkable opportunity to step out of your routine and embark on a life-changing experience!

You will have private coaching time with me before and during the retreat, and bond with amazing women. You will not only revel in the joy of exploring, you will cultivate powerful creative energy.

  • Your elevated energy will impact you personally and professionally.

  • You’ll have the satisfaction of bringing new agency to all you do.

  • You’ll feel more fulfilled each day, and experience more joy.

  • You’ll bring full self-expression and inspiration to everything you think and do.

  • Your natural state of being will be elevated.

If you are excited to think about the possibilities, this opportunity may be perfectly timed for you. We start in Paris November 6 and return November 18.

And November is right around the corner! Now’s the time for us to talk, as only 2 spots are still open.

Email me and I will send you all the details,

And if you feel excited about the possibility of this adventure, we’ll make a date to talk. I will answer your questions, fill you in fully, and we’ll see if the fit is right.

Make time for wonder

Lots of people plan time away in the summer. I am delighted to be away, at the National Speakers Association conference in Denver.

I knew there would be many busy days, with little time for myself at this conference. So I planned a special day on my own before the conference. I spent it soaking in art, inspiration, and time with a dear friend.

The Denver Art Museum has a diverse and outstanding permanent collection. It was wonderful to be back there, and find things I’d seen before as well as make new discoveries.

Make time for inspiration!

I invite you to plan time for inspiration, whether you are away or staying close to home.

The world is filled with beauty and wonder.

Art can be enjoyed in person, in museums and galleries, in books on your shelf or at the library, and online.

The magic of nature at a sea shore, in the mountains, in your garden or at a local park can shift your awareness in amazing ways.

Music at a concert, played by someone on a porch, or heard on your phone can spark your spirit.

Books can transport and delight you, no matter where you read them.

Glimpses of heart-opening wonder are everywhere, when you look for them! You might take a walk with a camera in hand and frame images that catch your eye.

How will you inspire yourself today?

Consider all the possibilities for inspiration that are available to you. Set an intention to be open to wonder.

Do it on your own or invite one or more friends to join you.

Take an excursion or do something without leaving home.

Perhaps you will make art, write a poem, cook something that delights you or make something with your hands.

The sky is the limit!

And whatever you choose, take note of how you feel later.

I predict you will feel something special.

Reaching new heights

When I wrote last week, I was in Miami, preparing to step onto a stage and present a new TED-style talk to a large audience. 

Back home now, I am reflecting on my remarkable experiences and all that I learned.

Say “Yes,” then trust

When I had the opportunity to speak in front of an audience with cameras rolling in the last few years, I had battled serious nerves. Fortunately, with the last-minute support of a great coach, I rose to the occasion each time.

While I had been able to find my focus and get on the stage to deliver my talks, and I’d felt gratified when people said they could not tell that I was nervous, I did not want to have a similarly shaky experience again! 

What I experienced last week was markedly different.

This opportunity was, again, outside of my comfort zone. The audience was going to be larger, with many “important” people in attendance.

The stakes felt higher.

And, because I showed up differently, I had a different experience. I trusted myself to craft my topic with care, and was then able to receive and incorporate suggestions for adjustments from the brilliant team that was there to uplevel everyone’s talks. 

I also trusted myself to practice calmly and thoughtfully, so that the material was solidly in my mind and heart.

I consciously chose to ask the “voices” of doubt and fear to stay outside the ballroom!

That’s how I was able to show up fully and keep my focus on what I was excited to share with the audience.

It feels great to reach new heights

Not only did I have so much more fun this year, the appreciative feedback from people at the break after I spoke, and from fellow speakers who are major-league pros, meant the world to me.

I wanted to show up in a bigger way, marshal the confidence I had been building since last year, and leave people with a distinctive, important message about how they can think about creating in their day-to-day lives.

And I did it!

Whatever new edge you chose to lean into, that calls on you to show up in new and bolder ways, you, too, can amaze yourself at the growth that’s possible for you.

When you have the motivation to share something important, or do something differently that will make a difference in the world, and you stick with it until the new way of showing up becomes part of who you are, you, too will experience an expanded, exciting new version of yourself!

If you want to share your ambition (no matter how big or small it may feel to you), I would love to hear about it.

Maybe I can provide you with the support that will help you reach great new heights!

Email me and we can make a date to chat.

Stepping out and singing free

If you saw my brief email last week, you know I was far away, attending a week-long event in a redwood forest several hours north of San Francisco. I was invited to attend Camp Abundant — a briliantly-named and conceived experience.

I left for the adventure the morning after leading my Live Big Live! three-day retreat in Boston. The two remarkable experiences, back-to-back, filled me with inspiration for which I am deeply grateful.

I am delighted to share three significant take-aways with you.

1. People are the key ingredient.

While I created the structure and designed the experience for the Live Big Live! retreat, the true magic is always the women who say, “Yes!” to engaging in the process. This cohort showed up fully and shared with big hearts to support one another. It was a joy to witness their expansion, and feel the energy of connection deepen each day.

And, at Camp Abundant, where Ben Schemper created a brilliant program of speakers, musicians and experiences, the people he attracted came with big ideas and ambitions for what they want to create in the world, coupled with a deep desire to bring their full, open hearts to everything they do. It was a true joy, and a gift, to share that energy.

2. Magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone.

Staying with what you know feels comfortable, nice and safe — and it’s easy to stick with what is already tested and good.

Yet, bringing new, untested content to my clients is where the surprises, fun and delight happen. I am committed to continuing to create in new ways and willing to see what happens each time.

And, choosing to travel a great distance to attend a week-long retreat on the heels of leading my own retreat, was not guaranteed to be wonderful. I intuitively thought it could be a great experience and trusted my gut, in spite of inevitable fatigue, and knowing I would be sleeping in a tent (for the first time in decades!). I am so glad I said, “Yes.”

3. Don’t sing to be good, sing to be free!

These encouraging and wise words were shared by the wonderful singer, Jess Magic, accompanied by musicians Larissa, Joshua and Brent, as they led us in singing together. This was liberating for so many people that morning, and struck me as a magnificent way we can all orient ourselves to creating in every way.

Whether you have a paintbrush in your hand, a song in your heart, a poem to get onto paper, a desire to move your body to music, or a new idea to explore, allow yourself to feel free and go for it!

Unlock your potential

In the midst of your busy life, are you grappling with questions about what’s next, or what opportunities to go after?

Do you yearn for a change, or know a change is imminent, or feel that something must change — in your personal life and/or your work?

Do you feel stuck, like so many great women do at one point or another?  

Figuring out your answers to questions like these requires time and focus.

Do you make time for yourself?

It takes time and space to think quietly, take stock of what’s happening in your life, and determine what you really want.

Sadly, most of us never set aside time to think about those matters.

And, even when we do, it can be daunting to consider all that swirls in your head, much less devise a plan for new ways to move ahead in your life.

Time and again, I hear from women who have tried to figure things out on their own and got overwhelmed.

They struggle to set a vision for what they really want, and struggle to identify clear options and ways forward.

The magic of structure 

Rather than fumbling and feeling frustrated on your own — or pushing through your days without trying to sort through where you are and where you want to go in your life — there is a better way.

Having a guide and a structured way to get clear makes a world of difference.

Here are two options you can consider that can lead you to clarity and a path forward.

Work with a coach

Having struggled on my own for many years when I ran my design and marketing business, raising young children, and volunteering, I was maxed out and sometimes felt like I was running on empty.

And part of the reason I was so overwhelmed is that I thought I had to — and could — do everything on my own.

I never considered getting help. 

When the economy tanked and I was under more pressure than ever in my business, I found myself sitting at a table with a business coach. I thought he was smart and I liked his approach to our conversation. I said, “Yes” to hiring him — which was a huge step for me. 

And starting that work changed my life! 

Not only did my business benefit, I gained a world of insight and clarity about everything in my life. The time I devoted to the focused, guided thinking propelled me in directions I would likely never have taken.

I have continued to work with great coaches and mentors ever since, for whom I am filled with gratitude.

Go on a retreat

A meaningful way to make space in your life to do deep thinking, find inspiration, and gain important perspective is to step away from your life — for a few days, and even a week or more.

I just returned from a writing retreat, where I spent a week in rural Vermont with my brilliant teacher and coach and 7 other inspiring women. That time away took me to places in my heart I could not have imagined before I left.

I go on retreats several times a year with my coach of five years and our larger crew, that open my heart and mind in powerful ways each time.

One of my early retreats, with my first coach, was to live in a studio and paint for a week in New Mexico. It was life-changing for me.

Inspired by all of those experience, I started to design and lead intimate retreat experiences in 2020. It is a joy to create opportunities for women to take time away from their daily lives, deep dive into their hearts, and leave with insights and concrete plans to create the lives they yearn for.

Check out my Live Big Live! retreat, and what women who have been there have said about the experience.

What is possible for you?

Working with a coach or going on a retreat might lead you to making a small and significant shift, or a major change to the course you are on now.

Do you hear a shout coming from your heart, or a quiet whisper? Maybe desire is stirring, to leave the status quo behind and venture forward in a new way.

In my experience, it is likely that something meaningful will come out of listening to your heart and getting support to step into your best life.

This may be the time for you to have a transformative experience, to connect to all that is possible for you and set a course for your brightest future.

Click here to make a date for us to talk about what you want in your life and what is in the way.

We can explore if the upcoming retreat or other coaching support is a fit for you. (If not, that’s OK.)

And let’s talk soon — this is the last week to enroll for one of the 2 spots that are still open at Live Big Live! 2024.

Empower your future with these key questions

What are your answers to these questions:

• Are you looking for inspiration?

• Do you know what you really want?

• Do you yearn to feel more alive and excited about your life?

• Have you thought about shaping a clear vision of your future — a future that feels satisfying and promising? 

Considerations like these may be front and center for you. Or, like many women pushing through their days, you may not have paused to think about them in some time (if ever).

I believe these are important questions. I believe that we all deserve to be clear, to feel inspired, to be excited, and to envision the lives we want to live — now and in the future.

I also believe that we all can live inspired, fulfilling lives that are built on realizing our deep desires.

So why is it that so many women I speak to find it challenging to answer some or all of these questions?

Most of us play it safe

It’s easy to live each day and not take the time to think seriously. Feeling deserving to set aside time for ourselves, for self-care of any kind — including self-reflection — is a factor that stands in the way for many women.

And many women find questions like these uncomfortable. Some tell me they feel bewildered about how to look inside for answers.

Whatever the reason, it can often feel easier not to consider questions like these. It may seem safer to simply live from day-to-day without intentionally charting a course that is rooted in your heart.

Here’s how to begin stepping into clarity

If you are looking for small first steps you can take to bring answers to light, try some of these approaches.

Here are a few ideas for finding inspiration

Make a quick list of things you really enjoy doing, such as taking leisurely walks with friends, exploring new places, trying exotic foods, collecting something that fascinates you, learning new things. Write quickly and list at least 12 things.

Look at your list, and star the two or three that are most appealing. Then make a date to do them. When you take that action, note the way you feel. See if you can sustain that energy — by doing more of the same things, or engaging in other things on your list.

Here are a few ideas to pinpoint what you want

Sit quietly and think about what you want in the moment. It might be a flavor you want to taste. It might be an experience you long for. Getting in touch with your desires in the moment helps you tune in to your heart and pay attention. Repeat this for a few days and see what shows up.

To build on that, sit with someone close to you and have them ask you what you want — over and over. Give it time, and let yourself go deep. After 5 minutes being asked and answering that question, switch places and ask the other person what they want. Ask again and again. Acknowledge what they share. When you have each taken a turn, reflect on how it felt to have been asked, and to listen to the other person’s answers, and talk about what showed up for each of you.

Here are a few ideas for building energy and feeling more excited each day

Similar to seeking inspiration, think about what makes you feel full of energy and excited. Some people love activities that are fast, to get their blood pumping. Some find they are filled with energy and excitement in quiet places, like in a great museum. Some like to be in crowds at concerts, while others find star-gazing with a great telescope lights them up. Whatever it is for you, (and there may be multiple ways), plan to bring that kind of experience into you life soon — and do it as often as you can.

Here are ideas for starting to shape a vision for the future

Once you have moved through exploring the first 3 ideas, you will be well-positioned to consider your vision for the future — which may be something near-term or longer-term.

Tap into the inspiration, the desires you identified, and the kind of energy and excitement you have started cultivating. Then think about how you can imagine various aspects of your life when all of that energy is part of it.

Start by considering your relationships. Then move on to imagining your work life. How about the environment you surround yourself with? What kind of environment would support you to feel great? Next, think about how you imagine your health and wellbeing, as you live a life that you love.

Imagine what all of that could look. Paint a picture in your mind. You might want to write descriptions, or create a vision board to flesh it out and hold a clear vision. 

Start with one small step today!

If you want to begin activating more energy and finding more clarity in your life, start small.

Commit to one small effort now, and do it soon.

Yup, you will be off and running!

Check in with yourself. If it was great, keep going. If it was not all you expected, try something new. And continue!

As you experiment and make discoveries that feel satisfying and meaningful, extend your efforts.

Know that you are building awareness along with energy, and that your desires will evolve over time. That’s the beauty of actively living with awareness — you get to have new experiences and learn new things, and all of that helps you to shape a vision full of energy to fuel your life in wonderful ways.

Know, too, that while starting is the key, significant change takes consistent awareness and effort. 

If you are curious about having guidance to make each step easy to take, and to accelerate your progress, I’d be happy to tell you about a powerful program that’s only offered one a year and that will be starting soon.

It has helped dozens of great women find their clarity and step into making their fabulous visions their reality.

To see if it’s a fit for you, email meWe can hop on a quick (free) call.

Step into new possibilities

Most people live in their comfort zone, where it feels safe — and comfortable! That was familiar territory for me. I lived in a cozy, if small, comfort zone for years.

I recall how uncomfortable it was, when I first worked with a coach, to think of stepping outside of my comfort zone. The uncertainty I felt about a host of unknowns seemed daunting.

And, I learned that by choosing to look at things differently, I could also see opportunity.

What if you focused on curiosity and exploration rather than fear?

For some people, a significant event shakes them up and inspires them to step beyond their comfort zone.

In my case, it was a slower process of building awareness that I was no longer content with the status quo. A soft voice inside me piped up to say that I was no longer excited about the work I’d been doing for decades and it was time for something to change.

And I said yes.

I was willing to trust myself, get curious and explore what was possible. Fear and resistance fell away.

Giving myself the opportunity to explore and make discoveries led me to fresh and exciting insights, and many new experiences. It wasn’t long before my new path became clear and I was energized to forge ahead.

What is simmering inside of you, related to your work, your relationships, an upcoming transition, or your satisfation with life?

What might it look like for you to open yourself up to new possibilities?

There is power in taking one small step 

Rather than staying where you are now — no matter where you are on the spectrum that spans dissatisfied, to uncertain, to eager for something new — I invite you to take a step across that invisible line at the edge of your comfort zone and the possibility of something new, different, bigger, better.

Start with saying a quite “Yes” to yourself — a “Yes” to taking a single, small step into new possibility.

  • Your small step may be to make a change in a routine that feels stale.

  • Your step might be to reach out to someone and talk about an idea that intrigues you.

  • You might try something different, like a new way of moving your body, or a new way of creating to express yourself.

  • Your step can be taken at your desk, or on an excursion to a place that inspires you.

  • You might explore ideas you have now, or generate new ideas to consider.

Any new step counts. Start and then take another step (in the same direction or a different one).

Getting into motion builds momentum. So set an intention to take action.

Are you ready to begin?

Most people wait for the “right time” to take a new step. And most people put off action because they are never sure they are “ready.”

I urge you to start today — simply take one small step over the line into new possibility!

And you might make that step a call with me. You can book a quick intro call to share what’s going on in your life, and what you yearn for. (There’s no pressure, cost or obligation for us to talk.)

Are you ready for something new?

This weekend I was immersed in the past. I lost my father in November, and the house he and my mother lived in has just been sold.

My sisters and I are in the process of emptying the house, and my job the last few days has been going through mountains of family photos — many from boxes of my grandparents that have been sitting in the basement of my parents’ house for decades.

Treasures have been found, emotions have been sparked, and I am gaining insights about how lives have been lived over long spans of time.

Seeing my parents, and their parents, in the bloom of youth and as they aged, is very sweet.

Seeing myself as an infant, during my childhood, as a gawky teenager, a young adult, a bride, and a mother, I am reflecting on the life I have lived, and the life I am living now.

How are you living your life?

Looking back at my professional life, it’s clear that I started in a career I enjoyed, and that I continued for several decades without considering if it was really fulfilling. 

What I became aware of, when in 2009 I hired my first coach to help me with my business, was that I had been drifting through my life without looking at or thinking deeply about the big picture.

I, like most busy professionals, was focused primarily on what was right in front of me. Added to work, raising children, serving on boards, making time to be with my husband, and managing a household, and my attention and focus were fully occupied.

Things seemed to be fine.

What was pivotal for me was working with a coach who asked me to took clearly at my life, and how I was showing up in it. 

When I did that, I saw a lot I had not noticed before. Slow steps followed by more small steps, I started to see many ways I was not showing up fully in my life. I also realized I no longer loved the work I had been doing for nearly 3 decades.

Most significantly, I realized I was ready to make changes.

What does it mean to be ready?

There are times when you know you are ready — for something new, something different, something more exciting. You feel it, and you take a step to bring that change into your life.

More frequently, the question of “being ready” — to look for or accept that new job, to make that big decision, to step into something different even if it is not fully defined in your mind — is one that feels unsettling, or even frightening.

I believe that when you start to get curious and feel a stirring, it is a significant signal from your heart.

Your heart may be “ready” before your head catches up!

That was my experience, and I see it all the time when I speak to women who have hesitated to look deeply, or take action, to explore a stirring they feel.

Fear and doubt show up. Many women are willing to settle for what is now, rather than take a new step.

I get it. 

These 3 steps may help

If you are pondering something new or different and not moving forward, see what happens when you proceed like this:

1. Get clear

First get curious. Ask yourself questions like these, and answer them honestly.

  • What is working optimally in your life?

  • What feels like a struggle, or feels simply “ok”? 

  • What lights you up?

  • What do you want more of?

  • What do you want less of?

Add more questions that come to mind, and look clearly at what you discover.

2. Set an intention

Your intention can be to research and learn more about a new possibility that you want to consider.

It can be to reach out to people who can advise and/or support you.

It can be to initiate a change — with a very small step, or a larger one.

3. Take action

This step is key.

Until you take some action (remember that small actions count!), and commit to staying in action, one of two things will happen.

Changes that you have declared you want will not happen.

Or you will be at the mercy of inevitable changes that happen around you. Rarely will changes like that match up to what you had envisioned for yourself.

Is it time to say “Yes” to your biggest, best life?

My life was pretty great before I looked closely and decided that I wanted less stress and to be more lit up every day.

I decided to create a more fulfilling future, and I have not stopped creating my life.

I have had great coaches, mentors and teachers who have supported me, inspired me, and believed in me. I am forever grateful to them, and grateful to myself.

I am aware that when I said, “Yes” to myself, I gave myself a gift far greater than I could have imagined on the day I started this journey.

I deeply appreciate all that my grandparents and parents did to set me on my path. And I am proud that I used that foundation as a springboard to a bigger, happier life — where I can help other great women to become the creators of the lives they yearn for.

I invite you to experience yourself living a life that delights you! 

And I’d be happy to explore the possibility of working with you to make that dream your reality.

My father, my grandfather and my mother holding me at the start of my life’s journey.

Live BIG in 2024!

When was the last time you created space for yourself — to think deeply and explore your heart? 

Have you ever spent a few days with other women who are courageously considering important questions, getting clear about the life they truly desire, and being supported to start creating that life?

One of the most beautiful expressions of the outcome of this process was shared with me this past weekend. One of the women who said “Yes” to herself and attended a retreat I led in January shared where she is now.

“I am exploring the ocean that is me. I am immersed, and seeing all that is coming up for me. I am honing and exploring and finding joy!”

What will you discover when you say “Yes”?

The opportunity to give yourself some time and space to focus squarely on yourself is special. And doing it with guidance, in a small group with other great women, is remarkably enriching.

If you are willing to embark on a process of personal exploration, I predict that you will make great discoveries.

If you believe that you matter and that you can learn to create a future that will light up your heart, I predict that you will feel excited to step into a new version of you — a you who feels agency in her life as never before.

Explore what’s possible for you!

The Live Big Live! retreat, that I last offered a year ago and that is now offered only once a year, is returning this spring.

The 3-day retreat is preceded with a preparatory process that’s designed to give you a solid foundation before we gather in person. You will have tools that provide clarity and discoveries, private sessions with me, and group calls where you will connect to the other fabulous women in the group.

Our time at the retreat will include fun and creativity, as insights emerge and breakthroughs are experienced. In short, this program will propel powerful momentum to fuel your life!

Live Big Live! is a singular opportunity to experience what past attendees have raved about. (Check out what they have said here.)

Now is a particularly good time to check out Live Big Live! and see if you feel the urge to learn more about it. 

Why consider Live Big Live! now?

I am offering a special fee for the program through the end of the month. The special offer will expire on February 29, 2024. 

If you feel this spring may be the time to step away from your day-to-day routine, connect to your heart, nurture your spirit, and get energized to create your ideal life in a BIG way, let’s talk soon. 

Look for time on my calendar here. We’ll meet on a call to be sure your questions are answered and see if the fit is right.

I will be delighted for us to talk.

From Paris with love

If you’ve seen my Instagram feed, you know I am in Paris. I’ve been posting some art and scenes that have caught my eye in the past few days.

Last year at this time I had the joy of living and working here for a full month. This trip is a quick one-week visit, and I am grateful to be back. 

I’m glad to share some of the beauty of this magical city with you here.

(And, if experiencing the art and culture of Paris and the south of France is something you would love to do in a special way, look out for an announcement I will make soon, about a retreat for a small group of great women in France this fall.)

SCENES FROM MY WEEK IN pARIS, including a visit to Musee D’Orsay and Mark Rothko’s work at Foundation Louis Vuitton.

Unleash your creative power in 2024

Imagine standing at a large glass window on a rocky shoreline, looking out at the vast ocean and the expansive sky above it. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what that would look like and how that would feel.

Can you “see” the splendor of nature before you?

Can you sense the energy of the powerful moving water and hear the crashing waves on the rocks below the window? Can you see the graceful, swooping birds gliding on the wind currents?

This inspiring vista represents the year that lies ahead for you — an amazing year of limitless possibilities.

The vast space is filled with energy that you can tap into and use as fuel to create an incredible 2024!

The energy for creation is in you

The way that energy is generated and built in the natural world provides us with information we can apply in our lives, to create anything we want to bring into existence or elevate in our lives.

Here’s a bit of nerdy science to explain:

1. Just as in atomic structure, you can add energy to a stable system and create stability at a higher level. (With a hydrogen atom, for instance, you can add energy with a laser. The electron absorbs the energy and moves to a higher energy state. Got that?)

Interestingly, the process can go in the other direction. An electron at a higher level of energy can drop back down if its energy is dissipated or lost. It takes new energy to be put back in to get back up to the level it had.

2. Here’s another piece of information to consider, having to do with thermo-dynamics and entropy. (I promise, this will not hurt your brain!)

The fact is that the universe tends toward disorder, and that’s called entropy. If you let things erode, you need to put energy back into the system and then sustain that energy. You can even build more energy from there! 

We all know that nothing lasts forever, and our bodies, brains, even civilizations can crumble. The good news is that living things are designed to counter entropy!

3. Chemical reactions have something great to teach us. Activation energy is needed to bring several atoms together to make a molecule (think about 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom, to make water).

Any process that creates new things from already-existng things takes energy! (For water, a spark of heat or electricity does the trick.)

For us, it means not only having all of the parts ready and assembled, also adding an energetic ingredient.. 

What this means for you

When you:

  • have the willingness to go beyond the edge of your comfort zone and trust yourself to do something that excites you

  • believe that your desires and ideas matter, and that you have the power to take small steps forward

  • commit to yourself and the effort that’s called for to create what you desire

  • generate energy in your spirit and actions — a natural outgrowth of having the foundation I just described

  • and stay in the process, so you continue to build energy, or start again when there is a setback

… you can create in limitless ways!

You can add spirit and emotion, too. While these are not as measurable, you can feel the energy of kindness, love, and joy. These all build positive emotional states.

Combine spirit and emotion with the scientific principles described above, you have powerful energy for fulfillment!

Let’s create a 2024 to remember!  

I kicked the year off leading a powerful new retreat last week, that was focused on the energy of creation (see some photos below!).

It was incredible, and I am designing more deep experiences for women to come together to get focused and clear, and generate creative energy to bring into their lives — and impact the world — as never before! 

And part of my focus for 2024 is to bring more of my work inside organizations. I support professional women to be able to bring more of their greatness forward, to have their biggest impact as they create lives they love. When this happens great culture is built, organizational success is accelerated, and great talent is retained.

If you want to hear more about any of what’s coming up — for you personally or your organization — get in touch!

Celebrating your 2023 top 10

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.

And, the season of celebration continues in full swing!

As the New Year approaches it is peak Top 10 List season. Why not get in on the fun in a personal way?

Make a 2023 Top 10 list for yourself

Amidst the festivities at this time of year, making a personal Top 10 List is a great way to look at the bounty in your life.

Choose from these ideas, add others of your own, and feel free to include more than 10 items on your list!

Best conversation 

Brightest moment of joy

Best adventure

A notable moment of creative flow

The best outcome of a challenge you overcame

Best taste, smell, feeling, sound, or lovely sensory sensation

Best surprise you experienced

Your most generous act or thought

The most fun you experienced

The boldest thing you did

A time you felt your best physically

A peak moment of gratitute to savor

Your most precious memory of the year

A significant moment when love filled your heart

The thing you are most proud of

A peak moment — for any reason

The biggest insight to bring into the new year

With your list in hand, you might want to type-set it in a great font. (The designer in me loves the magic of beautiful typography to enhance the impact of big ideas and insights!)

You can print out your list and post it where you’ll be able to frequently reflect on the highlights of your year.

Savoring the best about yourself and the best things in your life will naturally fill you with gratitude and self-love. These are precious and meaningful ways to bring great energy into the coming year.

As you look ahead

As you bring your focus on 2024 front and center, consider choosing a word to guide your year. This has been an inspiring and meaningful practice for me and for my clients for a long time.

I’ve written several blog posts about the word-of-the-year process I developed. My process helps you go deep and find a word with significance and resonance.

I invite you to check it out.

I wrote this post in 2019, and it links you back to a post from the previous year, that details my process for choosing a great word for the year.

And this post was written last year, with some perspective on my experiences using the process.

I will be moving through this process for myself, as I look ahead to a year of expansion and evolution. I will share my word and more about the big new ideas that I am excited about early in the new year.

Let me know what you choose for 2024!

My wishes for you this week (and beyond)

  1. Make sweet time for yourself amidst the holiday bustle. 

  2. Know how grateful I am for the honor of being invited into your inbox each week.

  3. avor love, joy, beauty, the company of good people, and the possibilities and creative energy available to you every day.

  4. Bring your precious magic into the world — whether in tiny droplets on some days, or by the boat-load on other days.

  5. Make the most of today, tomorrow, and every day as you believe in the abundant opportunities for peace, love and happiness. Live Big!

What future are you choosing?

Have you ever paused to think that you choose your future every day?

Your decisions, your choices, and the actions you take each day have a tremendous impact on the life you will lead down the road.

Are you a drifter?

Sadly, most people drift through their lives. When I look back I see all the ways I had drifted for a long time.

Yes, I made some bold decisions. Some of the important ones, in addition to choosing the partner to spend my life with and deciding to have children, were leaving a corporate job to start my first business; deciding not to relocate for a job that was going to pay me handsomely, but upon reflection I realized would not make me happy; and my most recent great decision — to sell my business, explore, and find a new direction that I would really love.

I was focused about making each of those decisions.

And, I know that I lived much of my life without focusing intentionally.

For years I moved on autopilot through daily routines.

I kept up with demands and put out fires. I frequently said yes to requests without thinking about the “opportunity cost” of those yesses.

I rarely stopped to consider the ways I was living and where those ways of living were taking me — until I had my big wake-up call (to sell my business in 2011).

It was then that I realized that I had the opportunity to make thoughtful, careful, well-considered decisions all the time. 

What I learned was that each of my decisions leads me to a life that I create, rather than living by default as I had for so long.

What future are you choosing?

Your choices point you in a direction, which is why it is worth considering the choices you make.

Are your choices aligned with what really matters to you?

Think about choices like:

  • who you spend time with

  • what you listen to and read

  • how you spend your free time

  • how you show up in the world — from the clothes you wear to what you say (and do not say)

Think about how clear you are about what you want. This will let you live with a vision to guide you, so you can more easily live with intention.

And think about how clear — and how big — your vision is.

What choices are you making today?

Sit with that question for a few minutes. Consider your choices, and how they line up with your dreams.

Jot down lots of your choices — like those related to the people in your life, your habits (that may or may not be ideal), the responsibilities and opportunities that your have taken on or are considering now, and more.

When you see them clearly noted on paper, you can assess whether they are positive and affirming, or if there are things you want to change.

Your next step (that will now be easier to implement) is to be more self-aware as you consider all of your daily choices, and the bigger choices and decisions that are right for you.

Watch for significant rewards!

As you build your awareness and choose carefully, things will begin to change in marvelous was.

And when more of us live with intention, choosing with care and moving in directions that are fully fulfilling, more lives will change for the better. More of us will be happy and energized, and people around us will feel and see it!

We can impact our families, our communities, our workplaces and beyond!

My vision is for accomplished women everywhere to boldly step into their power, make great choices so they show up with clarity and passion and realize all that is possible for them.

I see legions of women leading and inspiring others in incredible ways.

Please join me! As each of you chose with intention and make your life the best it can be, this vision will grow organically.

I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds.

It doesn't have to be hard to let go

Last week I wrote about letting go of physical clutter and emotional clutter. (If you missed it, you can check that out here.)

In addition to letting go of the things that clutter your environment, and the people and situations that drain your energy, I am thinking about the concept of letting go in a bigger, broader way. 

Consider this question:

What are you holding onto in your life and work that it may be time to let go of?

  • Perhaps you are holding onto the way your business is structured, because you have always worked that way, or because that’s the way everyone else does it.

  • Perhaps you are holding on to a seasonal ritual with family or friends because that’s what you always do, or because you think that’s what people expect you to do.

  • Perhaps you live — or work — in a place that does not make you happy anymore (or maybe has never made you happy), because it feels too hard to make a change.

Even if these examples do not resonate specifically for you, sit with the question and see if something comes to mind.

You deserve to be happy!

If you realize you have been holding on to something that is not ideal, your next thought may be, “Sure, but it’s ok.”

Or, you may think something like, “But what can I do about it?” or ”I don’t want to shake things up.”

I believe that life is too precious to compromise on your happiness.

You may not be considering that, by tolerating something that’s not working, or resisting making a change, you pay a price.

The energy you bring to your day-to-day life is dampened, dulled.

You may not even be consciously aware of the ways it adds stress, makes you feel pressured, causes frustration, or simply contributes to subtle discontentment.

Living that way is not fun for you, and it limits everything you do.

If one or more things come to mind, consider the upside of initiating a change.

When you let go, new possibilities show up

When you loosen your grip on maintaining the thing that you have been convinced is the way it has to be, or loosen your grip on the thing you now are aware you’ve been tolerating, things will shift.

Possibilities you may never have considered are likely to feel real.

So, what can it look like to loosen your grip?

1. Get curious!

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Why have I been holding tight to the belief that the way I run my business has to be the same as it has been? What could a different business model look like?

  • What beliefs might I let go of about my role in our annual family gatherings?

  • What would an ideal location be for me to feel happy every day? Do I need to stay in this city?

  • What might working for another company, or taking on a new or bigger role, be like?

  • What am I afraid of? What’s the worst possible outcome of a change? What’s the best possible outcome?

  • What if I doubted myself less and showed up in a bigger way?

2. Consider small steps to take.

Having identified something you want to change, and getting curious to open insights and ideas, it is time to take action.

(By the way, action is a great antidote to fear. The act of starting will build enthusiasm and reduce hesitation and doubt!)

Your initial action might be to talk to people who have done the thing you are considering, and learn from their experience.

You can generate lists of possibilities and see which are the most appealing, so you can begin to test them. 

You can set a vision of that new thing already having happened. Holding that vision will make you feel excited and motivated to take ongoing steps in that direction.

3. Build momentum.

Having put a plan in motion, stay committed to yourself — and keep the curiosity going.

You are likely to adjust your initial ideas and expand or redefine your vision as new possibilities, resources, and supporters show up.

As you pursue the thing your heart asked for, you are sure to show up more fully and bring more boldness into the ways you approach your life.

That’s what living big is all about.

Feel free to let me know about the change you feel called to consider, or one that you are in the midst of now. It’s easy — just email me.

Is it time to go deeper?

Here’s a question to consider:

When was the last time you stepped into something bigger and new, to explore something different or intriguing — even if you were a bit uncomfortable?

Late last year I decided to explore a new creative direction, not knowing if it would be great or a bust.

In late December I signed up to attend a weekend writing retreat. The focus was on writing "from the deep voice.” As much as I love writing my weekly Big Ideas, and had loved writing my book, this was a way of expressing myself that I’d never considered before. 

I was especially nervous because all of the other women at the retreat had been immersed in the work with this teacher for some time. 

Is it time to explore a deeper part of yourself?

As a coach who is passionate about the power of creativity and living a creative, BIG life (and a person who loves words), I listened to the whisper in my heart that was intrigued about what writing from the deep voice might be like.

I figured the upside was that I would have fun, and maybe even find a direction that would have meaningful resonance for me.

The worst thing that could happen would be I’d have spent 2 days doing something that did not excite me, and I might feel embarrassed that I was not “good at it.”

I said yes to the small whisper I heard — it was a “yes” to myself.

I said yes to trying something new in spite of my nervousness.

That weekend retreat opened up a path that has been exciting and enriching for me ever since.

In fact, a story I wrote was just published in an anthology, and I was part of a book-reading on Sunday at which 7 authors read their work, answered questions from the audience, and signed piles of books.

What is waiting for you if you say “Yes!”?

If you feel your heart asking for expansion, the timing is perfect.

You can get clear about the future you want to make your reality!

That may mean creating a life that feels exciting and supports your happiness and wellbeing.

It may mean courageously aiming to reach the next level in your career or business.

It may mean leaving a toxic work or personal situation with clarity and strength.

It may mean planning for the next phase of an evolving life — as you leave burnout behind, launch a new business, or step into a fulfilling retirement.

It may include building new levels of confidence to show up more fully and boldly, so you have your biggest impact.

It starts with one small, easy “Yes.”

This “Yes” does not call on bravery, and there’s no risk of embarrassment.

There’s also no cost, other than 30 minutes of your time for a call with me.

This call can open big possibility.

It’s an opportunity for us to have a meaningful conversation, and for you to gain insight and perspective about your life now, as well as your dreams.

And if you wish to hear about it, we can talk about Live Big Live! — the powerful, intimate, fun and life-changing retreat that is coming up this fall.

Email me, or schedule your call here.

(And if you want to learn about Writing from the Deep Voice, I would be happy to introduce you to my marvelous teacher, Leslie Berliant. Email me, and I’ll make an introduction. And you can check out the lovely anthology here.)