What if you took a closer look at your life now?

I realize, after nearly two weeks, that I have new awareness as I am living in Paris. Some of what I am observing today are small and subtle things I did not consider much before I embarked on this trip.

Among the things I am reflecting on now, are:

The joy of curiosity

I am appreciating curiosity more deeply than ever. Living in a new place there are things all around that are not usual for me, and they invite inquiry. I want to bring this keen curiosity home with me, as it opens insights and thinking and spawns ideas in wonderful ways.

The joy of exploring

There is daily delight as I head to new places and follow my nose, research origins and stories, and make small discoveries along the way. Opportunities abound, and I realize that I don't need to be in a new city to infuse my life with this joy.

Looking at the world through fresh eyes

Seeing this way has awakened my heart and provided new perspectives. Being in a new city makes it particularly easy and pleasant to observe the world through a new lens, and I realize its possible to see this way anywhere, any time.

Sometimes you need to get past the annoying parts

Alongside the pleasures I mentioned, some daily tasks are less than fun. There are things you need to fix or figure out. There are conundrums to sort through and deadlines to meet, when you’d rather be out and about. And there are challenges communicating across six or more time zones.

Things like these are always in the mix. The key is to deal with them and move on, without letting them sour your day or dampen your experience.

We can build daily awareness

As you read what I shared, did you pause and think about ways that you bring curiosity into your life, or find joy exploring new places, or reflect on how you look at the world?

How about your reaction to thinking about what you do when annoying things show up in your day?

Perhaps you feel inspired to think about changes you might aim to make in your life now.

Awareness can inspire a desire for change

Some changes you decide to undertake may be small and subtle, and some may be more significant.

It is always possible to change — even to make changes that seem challenging.

When you realize that you have agency in your life — that you have control over your actions, and their consequences — you can do more than you may even think is possible right now.

You can choose to do things new ways, to see with new perspectives, to respond differently than in the past.

It begins with awareness, thought, and the decision to make a change.

Then you can take small, deliberate action.

Notice that I said small.

Its the small consistent steps that really count. Rather than aiming to make sweeping changes fast (which typically leads to frustration and even abandoning your efforts), choose to take small steps and stick with them. You will be amazed at how they add up, and become your new way of being more easily over time.

The changes you make matter

When you live with awareness and make change, you reap many benefits. And you can can expand your efforts over time, building new change on the foundation of previous change.

And, you model the changes you make for everyone around you.

If, for instance, you bring more curiosity to what you do each day, or you move through annoyances with more ease and grace, your energy, and the outcomes of your actions will be noticed. 

The people around you are sure to be inspired by what they see and feel. And some may choose to  take action in the same directions, or the directions that are right for them

Before long, all of these changes ripple out, likely far beyond what you can even imagine today.

You can start now

I invite you to choose one small way you want to bring a change into your life.

Next, think of one really small way to introduce that change into your day. (For instance, if you choose to see the world through fresh eyes, consider something on your schedule for the day, and set the intention to consider it with a fresh perspective before moving forward.)

After taking the action, or later in your day, pause to reflect on what you tried and how it went. Then choose a small way to practice the change again the next day, and repeat the process.

After a week, you will have some good observations. You can think about how to expand on the kind of actions and situations that will support you to making the change you seek a natural, ongoing way of being.

If you are looking for ideas for change that will light up your life, and actions and practices to help you make those changes, check out my book

And if you want to consider having a guide to support you, reach out and we can make a date to talk about the changes you want to bring into your life, and how you can create the truly fulfilling life you dream of.

Email me, or find a date on my calendar.