A 5-Day Journey to Authentic Living

If you have had the exciting experience of seeing something unfold in real time that you have believed, spoken or written about, and maybe have taught, then you will relate to my experience last week.

You may be familiar with my story, and how I had been a graphic designer who was completely blocked when it came to creating for myself. Creating (as I used to believe) meant things like painting or making art with pastels. I was terrified to even try. I stayed focused on solving clients’ problems and telling their stories.

The trajectory of my journey changed when I started working with a great coach. I woke up to the fact that I was ready for a significant change and sold my design firm. And I courageously started exploring creative expression.

I then met a great teacher who was an expert on the vast power of creativity, and studied with him for two years. I came to understand the mysteries of creativity and appreciate the breadth of what it is. I also vastly expanded the ways that I created.

My life was transformed. 

Lives change when creative power is ignited

I developed my Creative Core Coaching practice to help other accomplished women who yearned to live a more fulfilling, rich authentic life.

  • They are typically so busy that they are disconnected from their hearts.

  • They are often frazzled, some to the point of burnout.

  • Many are living a smaller version of who they know they can be.

  • Many struggle to find clarity about what is next — or could be next.

  • Many want to rebuild confidence. 

They are sacrificing themselves in ways that I had lived for far too long.

When they are supported to tap their creative power and ignite it, they thrive!

And, change can be accellerated

In 2020, I created the first of what are three retreat experiences I offer each year.

At each, small groups of women come together to take a deep dive into self-discovery, have creative experiences that open their hearts, and set a course for meaningful change. 

When you step away from your routine and are willing to immerse yourself in new experiences that bring incredible insights to life, you find true inspiration for new ways of living. 

Creation Vacation 2025 was magical 

Last week, the Creation Vacation retreat kicked off a big new year for a fantastic group of women.

We spent 5 days in a glorious house on the southern coast of Maine. We did powerful work together. And we had tremendous fun!

The mix of deep thoughtful exploration and lots of fun with expressive creative play that built energy and opened hearts, made for a huge experience for everyone.

We ate beautifully. We shared deeply. A remarkable practitioner helped us all expand energetically and somatically anchor in supportive energy. The setting of extraordinary natural beauty was the perfect environment for all of it to unfold.

I am savoring the joy of leading the retreat and witnessing so much exciting evolution.

Take a look at the photos below, and consider if your creative spirit feels the desire to expand!

If you feel the urge to be supported to ignite the creative power that is within you now, and set a course for a bigger, more fulfilling life, let’s connect and talk.

Schedule a call today.

How time away can ignite your creative power

Three times a year I travel to go on a retreat with my coach. I share the experience with a small community of wonderful people who, like I am, are on a path to creating and offering bold resources that will make this a better world.

I am writing from a beautiful rural part of Texas, surrounded by natural beauty.

I am inspired.

I am surrounded by love.

And I am making significant discoveries about myself.

This way that I invest in myself — taking time to be here and making a financial commitment to be in this work — has been significant for me. So much of what I have created to ignite creative power in women everywhere has been informed by what I have explored in my work with my coach.

I am deeply grateful to be on this journey of personal expansion that enriches me. In turn, it enables me to bring more depth to my work as a coach and speaker.

I invite you to find a place of beauty and peacefulness, where the majesty of nature can support you to connect to your heart.

I also invite you to consider the dreams you hold in your heart, and the support that can help you to move them into action.

Creating connections: energize your path with passionate people

With the Olympics just concluded, and having returned a few days ago from the National Speakers Association’s annual conference, Influence, I am reminded of something important that I always want to keep top of mind: the people we choose to surround ourselves with matter! They can lift us up, inspire us, and make us better.

It was exciting to see the way that great athletes raised one another up — those on their own teams, and often competitors from other countries. 

I experienced the same energy of generosity and enthusiasm at the Influence conference. Speakers of great renown were happy to share their insights and ideas in informal conversations, with people who were just starting or building their speaking careers. And being in the company of speakers who are passionate about the topics they share, and excited about the impact they have, felt electric.

When you are conscious about creating connections with people who are fired up and generous, who are committed to showing up boldly and doing big things, that energy supports you to feel passionate and motivated.

And when you are generous and inspired around others, the positive energy builds! 

I feel more excited than ever to support great women to boldly create the lives they desire. I want to do it on stages and in coaching engagements. I love leading retreats, where women go deep together in great places. I am fired up when I bring my work into organizations, to guide women to show up boldly and have their biggest impact.

By developing my offerings and doing my work alongside other bold creators, I always learn, and the energy I bring to everything I do always expands. 

Reach out and see what happens

Who can you contact today who is full of bold ideas and energy, who creates new opportunities, who will generously share with you, and who will see you in your highest light? 

You may be thinking of someone like that now. Invite them to connect, one-on-one or in a small group. 

You may be thinking of an existing community of people (maybe like those at the Influence conference that I attended) that you want to tap into in a bigger way.

When you choose to have more contact with even a small number of people who are filled with enthusiasm, ideas, and big hearts, you will have given yourself a priceless gift.