Simple ways to invite fresh inspiration

I am writing from sunny, beautiful Arizona today — where it is 60 degrees warmer than at my home in Boston.

My husband and I have spent two weeks here each winter for several years, and this year I feel especially grateful to be in a new environment for a while.

Change opens your heart

While here, I always mix a lighter work load with time to be outdoors, enjoying walks in a different natural environment. I look forward to exploring great local museums that always offer surprises. My daily pace shifts and my heart opens.

And each year when I return I remind myself that I can introduce change, without having to travel.

It is easy to get into routines that become rote. Looking for things that are new, striking, and shake up your usual patterns of thinking and acting can be done wherever you are!

Look for wonder today

Here are some ideas that might spark some change in your day, your week, your thinking, and how you feel:

  • Who might you call to plan an excursion with? Decide on going on a mini adventure together, perhaps to visit an exotic bakery where you can sit and catch up. Maybe you will spend an hour together at a museum to see an exhibit that is intriguing or provocative. Maybe you will walk in nature in a park neither of you has ever been to.

  • Why not get lost on purpose? On your way back from a meeting or errand, turn off your GPS and get off at an unfamiliar exit on the highway. Or make a turn into a part of town you never saw before. Look at architecture, gardens, colors, statues, shops, landscapes. You are sure to make interesting discoveries.

  • Look around in your office or home, and see where there’s a great shadow or soft streak of light that makes something familiar look interesting or beautiful. Light a candle and enjoy the flickering glow. Combine new flavors in your next meal see how they work (or maybe they won’t!). Experiment and play in small ways and see what lights you up.

Inspiration can impact everything you do

When you get inspired and feel a flicker of lifted energy, or you are filled with wonder or excitement, you will naturally bring a fresh point of view to everything you create.

Your can bring curiosity and enthusiasm to conversations.

The ways you do your work, provide services and solutions to clients, and approach challenges will be fueled by your open heart and new ways of thinking.

You will not only spot new opportunities but will see fresh ways to make the most of them.

You will naturally amplify the creative power that is in you!

I would love to hear what happens for you when you invite change and fresh inspiration into your life. 

Moments of gratitude and transformation

Bon jour!

Just a quick note from France, where L’Aventure Française retreat has been magical — and is soon coming to an end.

After spending 5 splendid days in Paris, we took the train to the Dordogne region of France (east of Bordeaux), where the countryside is magnificent. We have spent sunny days walking on country roads to explore village markets, we’ve reflected on the insights and inspiration of our time in Paris, we have created and played in new ways each day, we visited a wonderful artist in his studio, and we ate exquisite food that was prepared and served with love by the hosts of our intimate retreat center. 

I have been moved and inspired by the women who chose to embark on this experience. Great moments of insight and clarity have filled our time together. Each is returning home a different person, eager to bring fresh, clear intention, energy and creative power into her life.

And I, too, have been changed by this experience. I will be reflecting on the magic and will mine it for all of the rich lessons and gifts I received.

I am filled with gratitude beyond description.

And I know that whatever awaits us when we return, we are each brimming with loving, positive, creative energy. The creative power we bring to everything we do will have a positive impact in our lives, will touch those with whom we are in contact, and will emanate to influence the world around us.

Let’s take these 3 steps together

I hope your holiday weekend was a happy one.

Perhaps, like me, you spent time with people you love, and yet your feelings about celebrating our country’s independence felt more sober this year.

Did you, too, find yourself reflecting on the meaning of independence and freedom with a heavy heart?

I have written about our relationship to freedom before. You may want to read How free do you feel?, that I wrote in July 2021. And 2 years ago my topic was Is your definition of freedom too small?

We cannot take freedom for granted

Freedoms that many of us long took as a given are now gone, and more are in danger.

This can make us feel powerless — a subject I wrote about last week. I included a list of ways we can each use our power now, that you may want to look over.

I believe that taking action is the path to the changes so many of us want to see.

Where and how to start

1. Begin with awareness of your energy

Taking meaningful action begins with our state of mind. Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes — and, yes, sustaining positive thoughts can feel challenging in times like these.

I invite you to consider the energy you cultivate and bring to your days. As my mentor often reminds me, the energy from which you create (anything) impacts the outcomes you experience.

Practices like these will support you to sustain positive energy, and will impact everything you do.

  • Start (or expand) a daily gratitude practice.

  • Get ample rest and nourish your body.

  • Focus on love. Embrace kindness and compassion.

  • Spend time outdoors. Nature is a natural healer.

  • Look for wonder all around you. (It’s always there!)

  • Notice if you slip into negativity and actively reframe your thoughts.

Positive energy generates more positive energy! The people around you will feel it, and be attracted to it, and a great expanding cycle is set in motion.

2. Consider the people with whom you spend time

We are social creatures, and the people with whom we spend time have a great influence on our state of mind.

Are you surrounding yourself with, or tolerating, people who are bitter, angry, or dour?

Do you actively choose to be with people who are uplifting and inspiring?

When you choose to surround yourself with people who exude positive energy, who are creative thinkers, and who look for opportunities to take meaningful action that aligns with your values, you boost your energy. And, you amplify the impact of your shared efforts, which in turn engages more like-minded people.

And while many of us must interact with people who see the world through a negative filter, appreciate that those interactions can be managed with careful thought and by setting healthy boundaries.

3. Lead the way

Most of us are inclined to sit back and wait for others to lead us.

I believe we all have the opportunity to be leaders now.

Some people will organize efforts on a grand scale, and that is great. We benefit when individuals and organizations bring people and resources together to create collective action at scale.

We can contribute to those large efforts. Each person who shows up to march, writes a check, makes a call, or writes a postcard adds to the positive outcomes that are possible.

And consider this.

Many people fail to appreciate that all of us can take action to lead in small and powerful ways — each day.

In our conversations, in speaking up when we might typically stay silent, in inviting people to be engaged and collaborate, we have power.

Stepping into your power and speaking your truth are key ways you Live Big. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes to live and lead that way.

Please join me

I believe that in this moment we are being called to use our power to restore and expand liberty.

While it will take time and commitment, we can build a society that is just for all, where all can exercise freedom.

Let’s be creators of change and lead together.

How to add some sizzle to your life


We all need inspiration from time to time. Maybe you feel challenged to come up with a solution to a problem. Maybe you are feeling down because something did not go your way. There are lots of reasons we may want to add a dollop of energy to lift our spirits.

I invite you to consider that you can give yourself a boost every day when you think about how to bring creativity into your life.

I had the delightful opportunity to speak to a group last week and teach about the power of adopting a creative mindset, and the big benefits of bringing creative expression into your life. We talked about all the ways you can do both of those things, and there was real excitement on the zoom screen.

What happens when you make time to create?

When you make a practice of doing something creative on a regular basis, big benefits will delight you.

You will connect to your intuition and find fresh ideas coming to mind. You'll be more energetic and excited. Your mood will brighten and everyone around you will feel the vibe, too. In short, you’ll feel more alive!

Even if you think you’re not creative, you can reap these benefits!

I hear it all the time — lots of people tell me they are sure they are not creative.

Others recall back to when they enjoyed art at school, or played an instrument, or were in drama club, but they have not done any of that in years.

And others find pleasure in creating in small ways but think that kind of creating “doesn’t count” because they are not great talents like the authors, actors, musicians and singers they admire.

It makes me especially happy when people tell me they do think they are creative — because I believe that everyone has creativity in them, and these people really enjoy that awareness!

No matter which category you identify with, I invite you to take a moment and consider that there are incredible possibilities to create and express yourself!

Ideas for how to add creativity to your life

Look at this list and see what tickles your fancy

  • Grab some colored pencils and doodle, or fool around and sketch something on a shelf nearby.

  • Think of music you’re in the mood for and dance like crazy.

  • Write a poem — it can serious or light, and it doesn’t have to rhyme!

  • Sing — in the shower, in the car, alone or with friends.

  • Set the table to make it a beautiful expression of the mood you want to set (colorful and fun, romantic and cozy, elegant and formal, with a seasonal theme, or anything else).

  • Build something — from a plan, from your imagination, or start with a kit.

  • Plan a garden, tend a garden, or arrange flowers.

  • Play an instrument — that clarinet that’s been in its case for years, or a kazoo, or do some drumming.

  • Takes photographs. Your phone is a camera in your pocket. Choose a theme, or look for moments of surprise and beauty on your next walk.

  • Pull out paints (maybe from your kids’ supplies) and experiment with color combinations and techniques.

  • Do you love to collect something? Consider new ways to display your treasures.

  • Think about ingredients you can use in a salad or other dish, with beautiful colors and textures.

And to get creatively inspired you can:

  • Visit a museum or gallery. You might bring along a journal and sketch the art you are looking at.

  • Attend a concert — in person or virtually.

  • Pull out art books or find a museum site online with a style of art you are in the mood for. Look closely, and revel in the beauty.

  • Take a class to learn something new, or gain a deeper experience of something you already enjoy.

  • Make a regular date to do something creative and/or inspired with a friend or group of friends.

Join me for a monthly evening of creative fun!

Having a regular date with yourself to create is a wonderful way to keep creativity in flow.

In 2018 I launched monthly IgNight Creative Evenings and Creative Excursions so that women could join me for an evening of creative joy 12 times each year.

We used to meet in my studio, where we dove into a unique way of getting creative each time, and once each quarter I lead an excursion to a local museum in Boston. We all loved these evenings.

Since the pandemic, the IgNight Creative Evenings have gone virtual — and they have been awesome! The chance to be together and create has been especially meaningful in this time when we’ve all craved connection.

I have revamped the projects for each month so that eveyone can do them with materials they have on hand (which has been a good creative challenge for me!). Creative Excursions are still on hiatus, which means we now gather to create on zoom every month.

And happily, distance is no longer a barrier.

I have not spread the word about IgNight in some time, and am eager to welcome new people — from far and wide — to join us. Let’s enjoy this intimate, fun and inspiring time together.

Grab a spot to join us — check out the upcoming monthly dates and get some on your calendar. And feel free to share the link and invite a friend or two to come with you!

I hope to see you at an IgNight evening soon. And I’d love to hear about all the ways you explore to bring creativity into your life. Drop me a note any time.

Stay safe and well, and keep creating.